Inside Thoughts Outside World
Hey so you are probably wondering what in the world does Inside Thoughts Outside World mean? Honestly I was trying to come up with a catchy name for a blog and it came to me in a dream funny enough. Inside thoughts is a joke that my sisters and I have with each other. Anytime one of us says something a little odd we ask each other if that was an inside thought that made it out. So I had the bright idea of making it my blog name. Why? Because you are reading my inside thoughts about the outside world. If you made it this far you obviously know that this is a travel/photography/adventure blog and anything else that might happen. Join me and read my personal stories.
Why would you start a travel blog?
Well because I wanted to. This has always been a passion project of mine. I already love talking to people, writing, and taking pictures so I thought why not share them with the rest of the world. I have 30,000 pictures on my phone camera roll alone. And hopefully this inspires other people to solo travel and go on their own little adventures. <3
What do you like?
I’m glad you asked. I like a lot of things traveling, cats, hiking, photography, new adventures, etc. I work and go to school full time but I always try to make time for little trips even if they are just a weekend day. And if you can not tell I love talking to people and sharing my own stories. I have stories for days and they are interesting to say the least. My friends always tell me that I keep them entertained to matter what so I’m glad I can keep them happy with the crazy things that happen.
This blog is going to be brutally honest at times, if you don’t like then you don’t have to read it. And I am not going to try to sell you anything, I’ll tell you what I like and what works for me. If you like my stories then great! I have plenty to share. I hope you enjoy my stories and pictures as much as my friends do.
*Also, please work with me as I try to figure out how all this website stuff works I’m new to this.
Love you all,